Bob Trousdale Receives TWO Awards at the ATOS 2012 Convention
On July 2, 2012, during the ATOS 2012 Convention Pre-Glow concert at
"The Castle", OCTOS Founding Director, Bob Trousdale was honored with
an Award of Special merit for his Lifelong Contributions and
Enhancement of the Theatre Pipe Organ.
As owner of the Trousdale Organ Co., Bob developed and installed his
electronic relay system in theatre organs throughout the country,
thereby enabling them to operate more efficiently and record exact
performances by artists.
In response to the award, Bob said "It is an honor to receive this
award. Thanks should go to many others who helped each step of the
The second award for Bob recognizes his contribution of the organ from
his former studio in Santa Ana, along with 1,000's of hours of his
time and talent in installing it in its new Fullerton home known as
"The Castle."
The organ was heard by those attending the July, 2012 Los Angeles
convention Pre-glow. In appreciation, Bill and Dave Trousdale, who
grew up with the studio in their back yard, presented Bob with a
plaque honoring him.
The Orange County Theatre Organ Society is justly proud to name Bob
Trousdale among our Directors as he continues to contribute in so many
ways to our operations, for our members and to our future success.
In order to mark this occasion, a plaque has been installed in "The Castle".
The Trousdale Theatre Pipe Organ
The Plaque reads:
In recognition of the numerous contributions made by Robert Trousdale to the art and science of the Theatre Pipe Organ. And with sincere appreciation to Bob's many friends and associates for providing continuous support, encouragement and untold hours of labor.
May this instrument provide enjoyment to current and future generations of pipe organ and music lovers for many years to come.
Dedicated this day, the 2nd of July, 2012 by his sons, Bill and Dave Trousdale |